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COVID-19 Response

Hello BMC Family,


We will be live streaming our Sunday Services for the foreseeable future. Given the shelter-in-place restrictions that have been implemented throughout the Bay Area and also because Mills High School itself will be closed through the end of April, the elders feel that this will be the best and safest way for us to stay connected as a church.


So how will we be using our Livestream?


  • Sunday Services - The Livestream link is already up on the BMC website and App. Like you saw this past Sunday, we're doing our best to keep things as normal as possible. Service will start at 10AM like usual and we will be following our regular order of service. Likewise, the elders hope that you will be able to participate fully in each element of the service, as you normally do.

  • Weekday Bible Study - Weekday Bible Studies are coming back! The pastors want to do everything they can to better resource and encourage you in this season. We will be live streaming an 8 week series on the Book of Daniel starting the week after Easter.

  • Other Events - Previously scheduled events like Members Meeting (4/1) and Good Friday (4/10) & Easter services will also be conducted via Livestream.


Since live streaming is such a new medium of ministry for us as a church, we wanted to offer these three encouragements to you:


  1. Be Thankful - Praise God for Youtube! How amazing is it that we have this means of technology to remain connected, even in this season of isolation. As we work out things with the stream, you'll probably notice a few kinks and bugs here and there, but let's make gratitude our overwhelming mindset as we worship on Sundays.

  2. Be Deliberate - As convenient as it is to worship from the comfort of our homes, remember that the primary purpose of our Sunday Services (and our vision as a church) is to "Engage in God-Centered Worship". While the format of service may be different, the purpose hasn't changed! We hope that you can approach Sunday worship with intentionality and sincerity, taking whatever practical steps necessary to fully participate in every element of service.

  3. Be Eager - While we should be thankful for the blessings of technology, we also have to remember that live streaming is a temporary compromise, one that cannot replace the actual blessings of physically gathering and worshipping together. The present circumstances may keep us apart, but we hope that it will only increase our longing to see each other face to face, when the time comes.


See you all online!

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